Download Annual Review JR Shipping Group 2020 / 2021 (English)
Download Jaarbericht JR Shipping Group 2020 / 2021 (Nederlands)
In 2020, a great deal of attention was globally focused on medical performance and the altruistic efforts of healthcare and nursing personnel. They formed the frontline where so-called essential jobs are concerned, a concept which is inseparably tied up with the worldwide coronavirus pandemic. They deserve our unconditional respect for the special role that they play in a time when public health is at risk.
Our own industry too is based on professionals who earn our respect for the way in which they show responsibility for challenging, essential processes. Under uncertain circumstances, our seafarers guarantee that major transport flows go ahead to ensure that supplies of raw materials, foodstuffs, medication and consumer goods are not jeopardised.
Our seafarers’ commitment was crucial for the continuity of our services. During peaks in the pandemic schedules were compromised and long consecutive periods on board were more the rule than an exception. From Harlingen, our organisation ashore provided maximum support, but it is the crew who do the work. The situation is still precarious, but the many corona measures now appear to have been completely incorporated into our daily shipping practice. Consequently, we can continue to provide our services.